But I realized yesterday that there are lots of ways to break out of that system of thought...I realized it when I was writing notes to two of my dearest friends. I had been grumpy for the past hour or so, but when I decided to get out of myself and do something for someone else, I felt so much better!
But what helps even more is to think on "things above", not on "earthly matters". Earthly matters usually revolve around me...something I'm worried about, something I 'need', something someone did or didn't do for me....but the things above, those thoughts are on God. Who God is, what He's done, and what I can do to bring Him more glory. The Bible study I'm doing is all about that changing of your thought process to one where you think less on things that don't matter, and more on things that do. Yesterday I made a list for God of all the things I've been concerned about. This morning, I looked over that list and realized I needed a new list. My new list contains all the reasons I should not be concerned about those things...most of them revolve around the fact that God is good.
I suppose when it comes down to it...God should be the center of whatever universe you're currently residing in.
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