I realized the other day that even though I want to be a missionary and I want to tell people about Jesus, if I didn't know that God was calling me to go live in a different country, I wouldn't. I like it here too much. Of course, I would go where Adam went...but if I hadn't been sure that I was supposed to go overseas, he probably wouldn't have married me. My desire to stay where I am comfortable is very strong. VERY strong. It's only the fact that I know that this is what God has given us to do that keeps me going, and keeps me joyful about it, too. How can I not find joy in the fact that my Lord is sending me and my family on such an important mission? So my flesh wants to stay here, where I can see my friends and family, where I can speak the language, where people are "like" me, where I'm surrounded by other believers, where I have a wonderful church family, where I don't stick out everywhere I go because I have blond hair and blue eyes, where I know my way around, where I can read labels when I grocery shop...
But my spirit says go. The Holy Spirit within me says go.
And so I go.
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