
Saturday, April 17, 2010

life right now

There are several things I've been thinking about writing about, but my sister Tabi gave me the best idea...I was telling her how my onions sprouted, and that I decided to keep them. I found out I can use the sprouts like green onion or chives, and I just think that's the coolest thing. So she said 'You should blog about it!'. 

I guess I haven't written much about everyday life lately. My next post will probably be about how much Susannah Spurgeon has inspired me, but for now I think I'll just write a slice of life post about the past couple days.

My weekend started on Thursday night. That past week has been extremely busy with school work (2 long papers and a test), as can be attested to by the fact that laundry has been waiting to be put away for about a week and a half, and the dishes weren't done for 3 days. d-: But Thursday night the last paper was turned in, so Adam and I went to the Coffee House on campus for a little bit. 

For those who have been in school recently, did you ever meet someone near the middle or end of the semester, get to talking, and realize that you've been in the same class with him or her the whole semester? Ok, that has happened to me FOUR times in the past month, and all were in the same class. I couldn't believe it. One was on Thursday at the coffee house (the most embarrassing one was my neighbor!). 

Anyways, we had a nice evening Thursday and caught up on some of the shows we've didn't get to watch earlier in the week due to school (Lost and Flashforward)...anybody else watch Lost? How crazy was that episode?!

Yesterday, I went to Pregnancy Support Services, where I've started volunteering on Friday mornings. It was my second time being there, and I just love it. Seeing the girls that come in, and sometimes the babies they bring, is awesome. But I also just love being around the other women who volunteer and work there. It's so encouraging to be around like-minded, but different people. (If you want to support me in the Walk for Life next Saturday, go to my web page here. )

Friday morning Adam made a card for me "cordially inviting" me out on an ice-cream date with him that afternoon. We'd wanted to go last week but it didn't work out. He had the day off, which is unusual, so it was a nice surprise. We ran a few errands first, then went to A La Mode (if you live in Wake Forest and haven't been yet, you should go...delicious gelato!). Then, we walked around downtown for a bit. Adam was wonderful while I looked at a consignment shop and tried a shirt on, which he even offered to buy for me. (-:

I decided against the shirt, so we kept walking and saw signs for 'Herb Fest'. I've been really wanting to get a few potted herbs to put in the kitchen so I could have fresh herbs on hand, so we walked down to it. I chose rosemary and thyme. I'm super excited to have started my own little indoor herb garden...hoping it grows soon. I'd love to get some basil, mint, and parsley as well. (Don't I sound so domestic?)

We had some friends over last night, ordered pizza and watched 'The Time Traveler's Wife' of our professors recommended it as a chic flick that guys would actually like because of the time travelling part. He was right...Adam and his friend Nathan liked it, and so did Amy and I. 

Adam's gone to work today, so I'm going to get a lot of reading done that didn't get done earlier in the week...but he'll be home in time for supper, so I'm going to try making rosemary something, with fresh rosemary! 

I know this post wasn't as shocking or controversial as the past few, but hopefully it wasn't too boring. Life and love are keeping me happy right now...God has given us the blessing of a calm period in our lives, but that can change pretty quickly. I'm just thankful for it now and preparing for what's to come. 

If you pray for Adam and I, can I give you a couple specifics to pray about?
1. That God will provide the perfect job for Adam starting in the fall of next year, financially and scheduling with school. 

2. We are planning to go to Japan for a two week mission trip/vision trip this summer. Pray that it works out, time wise and financially. 

Thanks so much for reading my blog! 



Sunday, April 4, 2010

Why I Would Pray God Smites You with Warts on Your Face

I'm just gonna say it:

If you're wearing something that could tempt my husband to look at you in the wrong way, I might feel like praying that God smites you with wrinkles, a jiggly belly, a flat chest, and warts on your face. It just makes me mad.

Immodesty makes me mad! I realize that if you're not a Christian, you probably won't understand where I'm coming from. I'd be happy to explain it, but I'm really talking to my Christian sisters here. You should know better.

Now I want to confess something here before I go on: I am not perfect in this area at all! Even this morning, my husband told me that the dress I was wearing might be too revealing, but I made a ton of excuses, put on a cover-up that really didn't cover anything up, and wore it anyways. Then the whole morning at church I was hugging my Bible to my chest because I knew I shouldn't have worn it.

My husband should not have to go into church, or his job at a Christian bookstore, or anywhere where there are Christian women around him and come out asking me why some of the girls there were showing so much cleavage.  He shouldn't have to divert his eyes when he's around his Christian sisters. He, and your other Christian brothers, have to deal with a sex-charged society already which tempts them at every flip of the television station, every other bill board, and magazines galore.

I trust Adam, but I know that he's only human. So I'm speaking to all of you on his behalf...Please help him by being more modest. Yes, he has responsibility for his own sin...but you as his sisters have the responsibility to not put a stumbling block (or should I say breasts) in his way. After reading my rough draft of this post, he told me that when he sees a girl dressed immodestly, he basically just tries to avoid her as much as possible so that he won't be tempted...don't be one he has to avoid!

<--Don't worry, I don't think you have to dress like any of these to be modest!!

Ladies, I don't care how old you are, what kind of body you have, what size bra you wear...just honestly think before you go out in public wearing what you're wearing. To be honest, I've found that if I have any doubts about what I'm wearing, it's probably not appropriate. I know how hard it tempting it is to wear what will get the most attention. But for the sake of your brothers in Christ, be modest. For your own sake, that you don't get cheapened by being looked at as an object, be modest. It looks different for different people, but I really believe that with a little bit of common sense and a big dose of the Holy Spirit, you'll know...And if you don't, ask someone who will be honest.

Jesus tells us in the Bible 'Judge not lest you be judged'. Well, I'm judging right now, but I'm also inviting you to judge me. If you see me wearing something that could cause a brother to stumble, please tell me! I may be defensive at first, but that's probably only because I already had doubts about it and the Holy Spirit is using you to convict me even more, so I'm embarrassed that you caught me rebelling against Him.

For practical tips:
This was an interesting survey that the younger brothers of Joshua Harris did on modesty...I'd encourage you to check it out. It's really enlightening as to how Christian guys think regarding modesty and the way we as women can help them in their struggle against lust.

If I offended you...well, I'm not really sorry, but I'd welcome your comments!

Disclaimer: After reading the rough draft of this, Adam told me he thinks it's a little unbalanced, and that I'm harsh on the girls, and not enough on the guys. Probably he's in a month or so he's going to be a guest contributer on my blog and write a piece for the guys! (-:

P.S. I didn't have my Bible on me while writing this, so I didn't include any supporting references...but if you need some for proof that modesty is God's will, let me know! I'd be happy to supply some.