
Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Day in the Life

Well, there is not really any such thing as a normal day since we moved from Wake Forest. But here is a day in my life as it is now. :) Maybe I'll do another one of these when we get to Pennsylvania.

A little before 7am...looking for mama to feed her!
 8:15 am--Getting McDonalds on the way to visit Angel at the market in New Smyrna Beach

9:30ish--She stayed happy in the basket for about 5 seconds! And I couldn't just
choose one of the pictures I took right then, so I included the next two as well...

10:15am--Still at the market listening to the Beu sisters sing oldies and dancing with Granna

11:45am--Finally home and Uncle Josh is back from taking his comprehensive exams! Yay!

12:45pm--Eating at Pit Masters in DeLeon Springs...Evangeline liked to suck the bones!

1:55pm--Adam decided to brave the love bug invasion and change the oil before we leave on Monday.

 3:00pm--Baby's down for a nap! I decided to work on our new blog.

4:30pm--Evangeline woke up but was not a happy camper the rest of the day.
Daddy decided to walk her around while watching 'Eureka', our new obsession.

5:45pm--I decided to carry her in the Ergo while I started dinner. She still wasn't happy,
but she stayed pretty content as long as I was moving around. And I was able to get something done!

 6:30pm--Adam took over dinner when I realized I only had half an hour left to do a whole lot of packing,
since we won't be around much Sunday and are leaving early Monday morning.

(Oh, and I couldn't choose between these two either!--also 6:30pm)

7:55pm--Baby finally in bed! I got to enjoy my dinner (albeit after everyone else had finished)
with my parents and sister Angel for the last time this trip. Lower quality photo because I accidentally left the camera in Evangeline's room and wasn't about to risk waking her up! So it was taken on Adam's phone.

*picture coming*

9:30pm--Relaxing with the family in front of the TV before bed.


1 thoughts about this post:

Jill @Babyrabies said...

I'm so glad you participated, but I can't see any of the pictures :( I hope your life starts to settle into a routine for you soon.

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